Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Mpeketoni community has moved in to save the wildlife in Lake Kenyatta,Mpeketoni division,Lamu county.
A secret fresh water well was discovered this week by people who were mounting water pipes from residents living near the lake who had offered to pump water from their homes,becoming a relieve to many as the source is near the lake than the homes.
The community has mounted three water pumps and over 100 water pipes that are supplying water to Lame Kenyatta,during the day and at night yo make sure that the hippopotamus that are in lake Kenyatta do not continue to die,while the budfallos that have invaded home go back to the forest, alos near their source of water.
Zabedi Mathaai who came up with the initiative says that being a member of the conservancy group in Mpeketoni, there was need to have a quick idea that would save mankind from the continuous killings that is being done by wildlife.
Over 30 people have been killed by buffalo while 12 are nursing injuries from bufgallos and Hippo's attacks.
Jane Wambui Better known as mama Michael despite counting loss from the wildlife,she was the first to give out hee water pipes to take water to the lake to keep hippos out if her fish ponds.
She said the animals are a threat when in her compound since there are children who use the farm to access their homes posing a danger.
Mama Michael who is also a farmer said the when the lake has water,the wildlife animals will go back tobthebforeat and stop going to homes looking for water.
"In my home hippopotamus and buffalo's are visitors more than human beings,not because of any good reason but to look for water and pasture that is why I have given out my water pipes to take water to the lake to keep off the animals from my home as tgere are very many children who the animals can attack" said Mama michael.
Anthony Mwangi a farmer cum fisherman said that the number of hippos has reduced so.much that quick intervention measures were needed to also save the fish that has also reduced,denying fishermen their daily livelihood.
Mwangi noted the wildlife that has invaded most homes has turned to be a menace as they are killing humans aimlessly, the only way to get them back to their habitat was to ensure that thevlake had water as its water and pasture that had made then migrate from the forest to homes.
Senior wildlife officer Lamu county,Joseph Orahle said that humans have taken advantage if the drought situation,killing wildlife that is houvouring in the homes.
He said even if Lake Kenyatta has dried,humans are supposed to offer a hand in giving the wildlife water when they "come visiting" so as to save them.
The senior warden has also said Human encroachment has resulted into wildlife moving to mpeketoni town and homes looking for pasture that has already been destroyed.
"Humans have settled on wildlife land in place a called " witemere" land meant for wildlife,the human activities has destroyed the forest where this animals used to stay,the area used to supply underground water to lake Kenyatta and since vegetation has been destroyed it has caused drying of the only fresh water lake in the county"said Orhale.
The numberof hippos that were in Lake Kenyatta have migrated to Mkunumbi where there is a swamp while others have died decreasing the 1,500 population to amere 25hippos that are remaining.