Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Pediatricians at Kerugoya district hospital are in fear after more than ten children were diagonise with heart problems. The pediatricians who say that the children are from poor families are at risk of dying if not treated. Blessed Nobel Muthoni who is one year and seen months falls in the category of such kids who the doctors have sent out fears of not seeing their third birthdays if not treated early. According to Doctor Gideon Mburu, Muthoni’s case is different since her heart is on the left side instead of being on the right side making it hard for her to breath. The doctor says that the child has been taken to various hospitals and last week was transferred to Kenyatta National Hospital where the pediatricians according to the mother need 450,000/- for the surgery which the casual laborer cannot afford. Nelly Igoki who hails from Karurumo in Embu county but resided in Kirinyaga County is seeking for help to correct her daughter’s heart . “I cannot afford the cash that is needed, I am appealing to Kenyans to assist me have my daughters heart corrected, My husband left me when she was diagnosed and cannot even trace where he went” said Igoki. She also says that to earn a living, she does odd jobs to make sure that there is some cash in her bag incase her daughters condition worsens citing that she has to take the girl for checkups thrice a week which is turning expensive compared to the nature of the job that she does. “I was people’s clothes, till in their farms to make sure that I have some coins in my bag to because I do not know when the girl can become unconscious” Igoki added. At Kerugoya district hospital, Mburu says that they do not have alternative care since they do not have the required equipments to perfom surgery thus transferring them, to Kenyatta National hospital where there are such equipment. “I know Muthoni’s case since she was diagonised with a heart defect,she has been admitted severally,at Kerugoya hospital we can just offer alternative care as she waits for surgery to correct the defect”Mburu said. <

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