Sunday, September 28, 2014

Kirinyaga County Assembly member Kinyua Wangui has taken an initiative of keeping the youths from drugs and illicit beer taking by engaging them in football leagues. Kinyua was speaking on Sunday at Kamuiru primary school after awarding 9 football leagues after completing their sessions before engaging other teams in the country. Kinyua said that by the engagement, many youths have been kept away from drug usage since the places where the teams go to play are drug free zones. “I have taken an initiative of engaging the youths mostly men who have been lost in drugs mostly in Kagumo by making them busy by playing football” Kinyua said. The leagues have also been sponsored by National Authority for Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) and the MCA to sensitize the impact brought by drug usage among the youths. Kinyua said that he will be looking for other sponsors willing to sponsor other sports so as to engage even ladies who he said have not been spared by indulging in alcohol taking. He said with the introduction of sports in Mutira Ward he said the youths through the groups will be able to get Uwezo and Youth fund so as to run projects when they are not in the fields. Football has seen students as young as 15 years exercise their talents where he said it is the only opportunity to give them equal opportunities. Ends...

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