Sunday, April 19, 2020


SEVEN people have been arrested by Multi-agency team in Lamu with dry fish worth 5 million smuggled in the county.
Lamu county commissioner Irungu Macharia said that the671 bags of dried fish approximately 5 tonnes had been smuggled from Somalia.
The fish was supposed to be delivered to a Mombasa businessman via Lamu from Somalia.
A boat captain, Paradise boat and 6 others were arrested, Two lorries that are supposed to transport the fish from Lamu to Mombasa and the drivers.
Macharia also added that the smugglers are aware that the border has been closed since 2019 but still disobey the down laid rules.
“Our multi-agency team was able to nap 671 bags of dried fish worth 5 million shillings from Somalia en-route to Mombasa” said Macharia.
Macharia also noted that the rules to enforce border closure will be enforced by the multi-agency team, who are acting on intelligence report that there has been smuggling of tomatoes from different parts of the country via Lamu to Mogadishu.
‘We still have people smuggling tomatoes from different parts of the country via Lamu to Mogadishu, we are going to enforce the law until it gets into people’s heads, The border is closed and noone is supposed to disobey the rule. ”Macharia went on to say,
The government has closed a border with neighbouring Somalia indefinitely with cross border trade banned in the process.
The administrator indicated that the measure is part of security operations against Al-Shabaab insurgents operating from the Somali side, the border will only remain open to security officers.
Macharia said that with respect to ban on cross-border trade, persons that contravene the measure will lose their permits and also be arrested. “The border closure comes barely a week after fishing activities off the coast near the Somalia border were outlawed,”
He also said that the security agents are aware that drug trafficking is also being done adding that the surveillance team is on high alert”we are aware that despite contraband sugar finding its way in Kiunga-Kenya, drugs are also finding their way,let the smugglers be warned their days are numbered”Macharia added.


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