Friday, December 10, 2010


Officials of Kirinyaga Central Democratic party of Kenya branch are differing over clearance of an "outsider".
The Chairman Nahashon Kabeu and the Secretary Cyrus Muchira are accused of clearing another person from the branch and forwarding his papers at the headquarters in Nairobi without consulting all members.
Kirinyaga Central branch Organising secretary Maryanne Njeri said that the signatures,minutes taken to Nairobi were all faked by the two in favour of Julius Wanjohi who is aspiring for the seat in the by-election.
She said that the 12 delegates required to clear Karimi were all bought and the signature of the Secretary,Organising secretary saying that all happened in the knowledge of the chairman who was the leader.
Ms.Njeri added that anyone who joins the party is supposed to start from grassroot level and not from the headquarter sending fears of the branch being split in the name of money.
She also said that the chairman,secretary and the treasurer were all given 20,000/- to enable Julius get into the party through backdoor.
She said that the problem arose when they learnt that there was a candidate who had been cleared by the branch while the other one has been cleared at the headquarters.
The branch chairman counter reacted saying that Henry Mwaniki's documents were not present at the branch when they were clearing Julius.
He said that friday's meeting was being held with the knowledge of the members from the branch and the headquarters in Nairobi.
He said that with the wrangles of the members,the nominations have been extended until11th January next year to pave way for anyother candidate who wants to join.
Contacted for comments the candidate causing eyebrows Henry Mwaniki at the branch said that he will follow directives from Nairobi and not the branch saying that he cleared long time ago with them adding that money can buy everything in Kenya.
He however said that the officials at the national level have taken the matter and are discussing the way forward.

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