Saturday, February 20, 2010


20TH FEB 2010.
Kibaki succession was intensified yesterday after PNU Secretary General Kiraitu Murungi gate crashed in into a Democratic Party meeting and pleaded with it officials to attend a succession meeting debate in Naivasha next week.
Kiraitu who was on his way to his constituency popped into a DP meeting in Embu and pleaded with it’s officials to attend a meeting to discuss Kibaki successor meeting which is slotted for next week.
The arrival of Kiraitu into a DP meeting send a spin chilling into the parties top officials since they were not prepared for any guest of Kiraitu calibers.
The meeting was disorganized for a few minutes as top officials regroupped to counter Kiraitu remarks as they were not ready to let him ‘steal’ the show from them as the meeting was theirs.
The energy minister said that the PNU affiliated Parties should come up with a successor to fit into Kibaki shoes come 2012 adding that time was running out as their political competitors have already settle on their preferred presidential candidates.
But in quick rejoinder DP Secretary General Christopher Murungaru down played the offer to attend the meeting in Naivasha saying that all PNU affiliated parties had left the union and did understand what PNU stand for.
Murungaru put it clear into Kiraitu that, the democratic party will field it’s own presidential candidate come 2012 general election.
Kiraitu pop into the meeting confirmed that Kibaki succession debate was not heading anywhere without key political player in the country as since majority of PNU affiliated parties have left the union and have continued to strengthen their parties.
Kiraitu told DP members that there was need for PNU affiliated parties to come up with single candidate or take opposition seats in the next government.
“We are now where we were in 1992 when the opposition was looking for single candidate to face Moi but what happened we were on the opposition seat after the election” Kiraitu said.
He said Kibaki was the unifying factor among the PNU affiliated parties and that now his term is coming to an end their was need for parties that have been relying on him to put their acts together and present one candidate that will face their main competitors ODM.
Murungaru said that DP will not be going into any pre-government arrangement since they have been short change by [parties that are formed for convenience to get into power.
“DP has been all the time the looser since we have donated a presidential candidate but our partners have not given us equal respect in a collation” he said.
He said that DP will be fielding it own candidate but will form a coalition after election more so with like minded parties.
The formers Kieni Mp said that said that DP was major political party in the politics arena and that it was not going to be swallowed again by parties that are only out to get to power and forget the main players in their quest.
Murungaru said that the DP had resolve in accordance with it traditional based on the variance with the view to being the preeminent political party in the country in the leading up to 2012
The parties chairman Wilfred Machage who is also Kuria member of the parliament said that DP was force to recon with and that why some parties would not allow it to alone in the coming general election.
Machage said that the parties was the second party to produce presidential candidate and it will be doing the same in the 2012 election and called upon it competitors to braze for a dual
“ we have do it twice and we are going to do it again and these time we don’t need their support as they have show that they will only use us the dump as for the two occasion that we have given them a winning presidential candidate” Machage said.
He said that all the PNU affiliated parties had left umbrella including Narc Kenya, Kanu, safina, ford Kenya so PNU was not representing their view and their will be taking their own stand in the political alignments that will be taking shape soon as political parties gear up the 2012 general election.
Kiraitu retaliated that PNU was only looking for parties to conduct political business with but their main parties will not be dissolve as it have happened early.
The Raiment south MP said that the more the time the PNU political parties were wasting the more their opponent are getting stronger and ready for the 2012 general election.

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