Friday, February 19, 2010

shoot out

Police in Kirinyaga spent the best of their 24 hours fighting with armed gangsters after an aborted robbery in Kerugoya town.
According to an eyewitness and a petrol attendant at Kerugoya Kobil deport Ms.Grace Kamau, two robbers in a vehicle while two pretended to buy fuel when one of them excused and proceeded to a cafe that is in the petrol station.
She said that Customers who were seated in the cafe suspected him for a robber and immediately called the police who responded immediately.
Ms.Kamau added that the "customer"ran into the waiting vehicle while his colleague followed suit and drove away after citing police.
According to Kirinyaga OCPD Francis Kumut, for the first time since crime started, residents have volunteered information.
He said that it is after a long pursuation to them to report any suspicious looking character for further interrogation.
Mr.Kumut added that after spotting them, they drove towards Kabare through the Gakoigo route that connects Kirinyaga Central and Kirinyaga East.
He said that the ran away vehicle was left at the Gakoigo junction and the four hijacked another vehicle that they used to get to Kabare.
The OCPD added that noone was hurt during the shoot out saying that it seems the thugs are the same ones who have been terrorizing a businessman where he has lost over 2 million to them at gun point.


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